Festival Iminente 2023

© Maria Norton

is one of the most recognisable verses from the song What's Going On, from Marvin Gaye's album of the same name, released in January 1971. The song was written by Marvin Gaye, Renaldo Benson and Al Cleveland, inspired by the police brutality witnessed by Benson in California in the 60s. A current reality, not only saw in police forces but also structural,  micro and macro. This verse becomes a strong expression, a cry, a manifesto for equality, for brotherhood, a social and political anthem for love.

The video above shows the time and context of the music being sang by Marvin Grey.

Iminente is a platform for intervention through urban culture. It provides experiences that promote the relationship between cities, their inhabitants, and creative production, bringing together a diversity of artistic areas, including music, contemporary art, dance, performing arts, architecture, design, fashion, cinema, spoken word, and gastronomy.

Highlighting established and emerging subcultures, Iminente's programmes contribute towards the visibility and development of local communities and artists, with a focus on diversity, integration, and artistic education.

Part of the collective Cultural Affairs.

More about IMINENTE

About Festival IMINENTE:

 Article at A Mensagem Lisboa :

About Terreiro do Paço: