Visual Composition workshops with Hilando

“Learning may be viewed as a process, rather than a collection of factual and procedural knowledge. Learning produces changes in the organism and the changes produced are relatively permanent.” Inspired by this quote of American psychologist Daniel L. Schacter, as well as the idea that it's increasingly important for us to learn to be permeable to influences external to ourselves, the workshop intends to follow this motto, developing as an interaction of an experimental and conceptual nature, where the important thing is the very ludic dynamics of construction, creativity and visual composition.

The workshops were developed from ideas common to the practices of Mariana and I — the collection and reuse of materials; order and disorder — which have guided us, respectively, in the creation of unique articles of clothing, and illustrated daily records.

APRIL 2017
Session no.2 at Underdogs Art Store | event

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© Bruno José Silva


MARCH 2016
Session no.1 at Arquivo 237ANEXO

© Vinícius Ladeira